NanoCurso Proyectos y Memorias

by Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche



This course is aimed at associations and non-profit and generic objective is to facilitate the understanding of everything that involves receiving a public subsidy for a project to carry out and give guidelines to properly manage it.Over 20 nanoclases threshed all the steps that must be taken to get a grant, and to achieve collect it, differentiating between the project, the grant execution, justification and payment of the subsidy. tips are given in drafting and substantiating reports as well as the main difficulties that may face by accepting a grant exposed. With a practical view the entire lifecycle of a grant is addressed, from the drafting of the entity, through seeking public and private grants as well as all documentation must be attached both the application and the justification of the grant.In short, an itinerary of how to properly manage a grant.